This Module was the first experience I had of designing for screen; it was a learning curve in terms of using a new program and new time considerations such as rendering and uploading/converting. Before this module I was adamant that I wasn’t comfortable practicing motion graphics, it was too technical and that digital media wasn’t my style. However, after the first brief [silent movie] and several tutorials with Mike, it became clear that bringing motion to still images wasn’t too complex or out of my capabilities.
Skills Acquired/Developed
Obviously the biggest skill I can take away from this module is my new knowledge of After Effects. I can now navigate the basics and animate assets and manipulate them how I want them to. If I were to go back to the silent movie brief I think I wouldn’t find it as challenging as I did at the time, I struggled at first to understand controlling key frames and manipulating the given words. I don’t think I was confident with applying some of the tools that I experimented with such as the camera or using 3D layers. If I was to go back I would apply these techniques more confidently, I think I made the mistake of keeping things too simple and not challenging myself enough, but because I was handling new software I went for the safe option.
Storyboarding was the biggest skill that I developed, producing ideas quickly and communicating them fluently onto paper. The storyboarding process made visualizing my ideas easier, especially when working with moving elements. I’m really happy with how I developed the speed of generating ideas and transferring them onto storyboards. Translating ideas to visuals is something I've discovered I'm comfortable doing. I found out that even putting weak ideas down helps the process of developing concepts and ideas and getting the weakest ideas out of the way tp concentrate on the stronger ones.
The final stage of the module allowed me to produce packaging for the DVD. I felt that I hadn’t fulfilled my potential in the print module and wasn’t happy with my final packaging, so I wanted to use this opportunity to produce a really nice piece of packaging that I was proud of. The packaging that I ended up creating was based on a book and I think it was relevant to my subject. [top ten Brothers Grimm fairy tales] I also applied techniques that I regretted not using in the last module such as foil blocking. Although I enjoyed making the packaging and using the foil blocking process, I didn’t give myself enough time in case something went wrong, which is exactly what happened, I made the book before I printed on the canvas so the foil blocking process went wrong, but it wasn’t a complete disaster as I did like the final outcome even if it was accidental, all of which went towards developing my crafting skills which I’d like to progress with.
In the top ten brief I really felt comfortable story boarding and communicating my ideas. In the crits I got positive feedback on my concept and the direction I was taking my ideas in and I was also happy with the tone and atmosphere that I created in the videos mainly the background elements.
I also think that the idea behind the packaging was strong and that I’d like to redo it and possibly use it in my portfolio. Finally I think I’m improving at annotating and commenting on my design practice blog, something I’ve struggled with in past modules, but I’ve found that it benefited me when looking back on my ideas and progression.
I feel that technically, my videos aren’t very strong and that I should of applied more effects or added more motion to the characters and how they walked.
Even though I’m improving every module my time management is still not at a level that I’m happy with as it greatly affected the standard of my videos. I also spent several days on my image module which is much more time than i should have spent.
I think this module has made me realize what kind of designer I want to be and what I want to practice. Although I’ve enjoyed learning new skills and software I still don’t think that motion graphics is something I want to pursue. However I think that it was important that I did a motion graphics brief so that I was able to experience a different discipline.